Using Visual C++ 6.0 - Tewi HTTPd

Using Visual C++ 6.0

This page explains how to build using Visual C++ 6.0.

# Steps

# 1. Requirements

  • Visual C++ 6.0
  • Cygwin (at least checked working on 2007)

# 2. Get the source code

You can get the source codes using several VCS. (Official Repository List)

# 3. Create config.h

Copy config.h.tmpl to config.h. Edit it if needed.

# 4. Setup the build environment

Run vcvars32 to set environment variables, and enter C:\Cygwin (probably depends on the platform), and run cygwin.bat.

# 5. Build

Run ./make-installer.sh vc6, and you should get these files:
  • install.exe (Setup program)
  • tewi.7z (Archive)

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